How to Trade
Once you have connected your wallet to you can swap/trade between any tokens that have liquidity on 9inch. If you have not yet connected your wallet, see guide here.
To trade, you need ERC20 or PRC20 tokens. Check guide here.
Go to the Exchange page
On the Swap topmost dropdown menu, select the token you want to trade from.
On the lower dropdown, select the token you want to trade to.
You can type the desired amount on either on the upper or lower token amount field. The other field will be automatically estimated by the 9inch DEX.
If it's the first time swapping a token, you first need to [Enable] it.
Review the token approval on your wallet and accept the transaction.
After you have approved the token, you can proceed to [Swap] and new popup will erect
Review the trade/swap and [Confirm Swap]
Your wallet will ask you to review the transaction and gas fees. If everything is ok you can confirm it on the wallet.
Depending on the congestion of the blockchain, the swap will take anywhere from 10 seconds to 9 inches. Don't forget to add the new token to your wallet's active tokens list. You can do this easily by pressing the corresponding button [Add XXX to Wallet] while you wait for the blockchain to complete the transaction. After a while you will see the tokens in your wallet.
Last updated